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News |
ISSUE NO 1.01 |
JULY 18, 1999 |
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Editor's Note Hello, You have received this mail either because you/your organisation is involved in the region better known as India's "Northeast", or take an active interest in the area. For long, there has been a desire among (concerned) members of the online community to have an e-zine pertaining to the Northeast. Northeast Vigil intends doing precisely that. Northeast Vigil is meant to be a forum. It will collate published and unpublished material on the Northeast for dissemination among its readers. Information about/on the Northeast is always difficult to come by - Northeast Vigil intends to fill in that gap. And Northeast Vigil is free. You don't have to pay a dime. Information/news pertaining to the Northeast is not readily available. Who has the time to browse through all the websites? Who has the time to skim through all the newspapers and magazines? Our intention is to keep our readers informed about what is happening in the Northeast. Hence, this FREE weekly round-up of news items. Don't worry, we don't want to spam your mailbox. We will be sending out issues to our subscribers only once a week, i.e. every Sunday. If you feel that this mail has been sent to you in error, do inform us about it. You can be assured that this will be the last mail you ever receive from us. But to make this e-zine a success we do need your help and cooperation. As of now, can you do us a favour? Can you inform your friends/colleagues about Northeast Vigil? But only those who might be interested in subscribing to Northeast Vigil. Either that, or you can send us their email addresses. We will get in touch with them. Subscribing is easy. Just send a blank email to NortheastVigil-subscribe@Onelist.com. Unsubscribing is as easy. Send a blank email to NortheastVigil-unsubscribe@Onelist.com We also welcome readers to chip in with any information that s/he thinks would be of value to other subscribers of the e-zine. You can also send us recently published material to be carried in brief in our e-zine. But there's a catch here. We only accept material as part of the text message. Sorry, no attachments allowed. And sure, this is not going to be a censored e-zine! We will also carry unpublished news items about happenings, provided the information about the same is made available to us by the organisation concerned and that too from their official e-mail ID. We will accept letters, but only those pertaining to the media's handling of issues/news. All letters will carry the names of the sender, but we will not publish their e-mail addresses. Be assured - we believe in journalistic ethics. We believe in privacy and anonymity, especially when so desired. There is one thing we do not do. We do not correct or edit published news items. It is up to the publications to ensure that whatever they publish do not contain grammatical errors or factual mistakes. The only changes we make are to ensure consistency in style. That includes spelling mistakes. That too in case of ordinary English words, not proper nouns. We do not use "Mr" or "Sri", for instance, as far our style is concerned. That's all. We can defnitely add more features. We are open to ideas and opinions. Looking forward to your reaction. Yours cordially. Subir Ghosh Editor |
FAIR USE NOTICE: The news items and articles/features collated in Northeast Vigil are copyrighted material whose use has not been specifically authorised by the copyright owner. Northeast Vigil is archiving these under one umbrella in a bid to make hard information on the Northeast readily available to researchers, scholars, journalists, students and others looking for background information on the region. The site serves as a not-for-profit, non-parisan online resource library and the goal is dissemination of knowledge/information to the public. Northeast Vigil believes this constitutes a 'fair use' of the copyrighted material. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission specifically from the copyright owner. |